I have a passion for folklore and legend,and so I wrote The MorriganThe Morrigan is a character from Irish folklore,she appeard in time of death,at battlegrounds and in time of war..seeing her indicates your time is up

 THE TALE OF Paddy O:Rourke

 I lay on blood stained battle ground
with perished comrades groaning sound

crashing swords,as knife hit knife
what hellish place,to lose yir life

and closed my dying tired eyes
amidst the fighting,warrior:s cries

for reason still unknown to me
i open eyes ,before me see

a woman , taking form of crow
appears in times of wrath and woe

at time of death releases soul
in raven feathers black as coal

she whispers in my ear… goodbye
i scream at her ,don’t let me die

oh morrigan,please let me live
my meg ,a child i want to give

she stares then smiles,.. then walks away
and lets me live ,another day
she spared this merest mortals life
returned to land ,returned to wife

she comes at death ,takes bravest men
but let me live,raise children ten

the morrigan,a goddess queen
on battle ground that day i seen

so now on newest eve of year
to the morrigan i raise a cheer

and if on roof.there’s ravens sat
wish them good morning then tip my hat

© eliza 2010